Below are the top frequently asked questions that we get from parents regarding Al-Noor Academy.
Tuition Fees At Al Noor Academy, we believe that our tuition payments are investment in your child’s education and the formation of their religious foundation. Tuition per month is $95 per child plus card processing fees plus 3% fees if credit or debit card used. Using ACH checks will be ONLY $1 fee. Tuition payments must be paid no later than the first week of each month. Each bounced check will be charged a $30 fee. No refund of tuition or registration fee is granted if a student drops out any time after registration or attending a class. Discounts to sibling students fall under the following category:
* Tuition for the second student from the same family is $85 plus platform processing 3% fees for credit or debit cards.
* Tuition for the 3rd student from the same family is $80 plus platform processing 3% fees for credit or debit cards.
* Tuition for the 4th student or more from the same family is $75 plus platform processing 3% fees for credit or debit cards.
* Registration Fees: One time registration fee per year of $35 per student is due at the time of registration. Registration fee is nonrefundable. Registration fee is not eligible for discounts, sibling discounts or tuition assistance programs.
Prices of Books:
Parents are to purchase books from school as part of the package. Prices of books are separate from tuition or registration fees.
Total: $125 for the following books to be paid one time at the time of registration:
Arabic books, Islamic Studies Books, Quran Mushaf, Qur'an followup. Reusable Water bottle waiver for families with financial needs is based on family situation (case by case).
Link to Financial Assistance application:
Admission is open to all students, male or female, regardless of their background, health backgrounds and immigration status. All classes are co-educational. Male and Female students are expected to be in the same class unless there are gender specific topics. Students must be at least 4 years old by September 1st of the academic year. Also, students are placed in classrooms based on their proficiency in reading and writing Arabic. The decision about such placement depends on student’s score in placement tests.
Use of electronic devices:
Cell phones are part of today’s life and their value cannot be denied. We will not prohibit any student from carrying a cell phone at school. But it is mandatory that students turn the cell phones off and submit their phones at the beginning of the school day to the principal. Cell phones can only be used during lunch and break time.
Yes, Dress and Expressions are very important parts of visible Islamic identity. Because school is a place of learning, students are expected to come dressed in a manner that reflects an attitude of respect and purpose. Therefore, parents are strongly advised to follow proper and Islamic dress codes for their children during class days.
Boys will be required to wear full length pants. If boys wear shorts, the shorts must be below the knees.
Girls are required to wear headscarves during the school hours and while inside the school.
Revealing attire or tight-fitting clothing shall not be worn by our female students at the Masjid (Mosque) or during school hours. Make up is not allowed at the school. The following clothing items are not accepted during school hours. Outfit revealing bare waist, abdomen, deep neckline, arms, legs etc. Muscle shirts and spaghetti straps. Hats and bandanas. The only type of cap permissible are those universally accepted as part of Islamic attire in some countries. Any gang related clothing. Chains of any nature attached to belts or pants.
Students shall be promoted to the next grade level if they are declared “pass” by all subject teachers. Teachers will depend on students’ scores in activities, tests, homework, classwork, and attendance to calculate students’ final grades.
Yes. If the student leaves the school for any reason that is not urgent (such as a medical issue or traveling overseas); a re-registration fee of $25 will be required before readmitting.
Grade Categories and Weights: Assessments - 55%:
Minor Assessments (quizzes, minor/less weighted presentations, projects, and papers, etc.) - 25%
Major Assessments (tests, exams, major/heavier weighted presentations, projects, and papers, etc.) 30%
Classwork/Homework - 45%
Classwork and homework both fall under the category of practice since students complete these assignments to develop their understanding and skills. As such, students should receive feedback and have opportunities to revise. Homework that is assigned for students to do at home along with some of the classwork that students need to finish at class will be weighing 45% of their total grade. Student's engagements in classes are graded towards their classwork.
Parents are asked to pack lunch and snack for their child. No food is available for purchase nor will the school provide food and or snacks.
If your family is in a financial hardships, You can apply to tuition assistance using this link. Also feel free to reach out to the principal for more questions or inquiries.